But something this morning gave me pause and put things into perspective. What was it that happened? An epiphany? no. Life-changing or near-death experience? Nah.
It was... (insert dramatic music here)
Sigh. It has begun. But wait! What if I don't accept said gray hair? I'm not even 30 until September!!! I reject you evil melanin-less sign of th
ings to come!!!
Don't know about melanin? Learn about the graying process- as explained to kids- here
I was totally fine with turning 30 soon...it's just another day (and like I always say: Birthdays have been downhill for me since I stopped receiving Barbies as presents!) but this bitter pill of mortality is a little harder for me to swallow.
Actually, thinking back, I remember seeing a gray hair on my head 1 year, 11 months and 2 days ago. (that was strangely specific, wasn't it?) I remember it so well because it was the day that I gave birth to Clara. We went to the hospital to get induced and as I was putting on the hospital gown I saw the offending gray hair mocking me in th
e mirror. I though "Oh boy, this must be a sign that this kid is going to give me trouble!" Luckily she's proved me wrong, and I quickly forgot about the gray offender as it mysteriously vanished into thin (h)air. ;)
Fast-forward 701 days and here we are again. Kids/stress/genes/etc. Whatever the cause, I'll have to embrace it soon. Maybe after a couple feeble attempts at tweezing perhaps, but I guess it's all a part of growing up. I survived the Barbie thing, after all.
1 comment:
Just checked out your blog for the first time. Looks good. Also, you suck if this is only your 2nd gray hair! I started getting a few here and there several years ago. Nothing major. The past year though, they have been multiplying. I'm dreading the day I have to break down and dye it!
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